
Detox – A Recovery Guide After The Party Season

17th January 2018

It is hard not to overdo it a little over Christmas so we have designed this workshop to help you understand how your body processes and eliminates toxins including sugar and alcohol. Our goal is to give you the tools you need to support your own detox systems on a daily basis – i.e. gentle cleansing rather than a strict detox programme. Just remember that our bodies are perfectly equipped to eliminate waste but sometimes we all need a little help to get our glow back and boost our energy levels!

Pilar will start this workshop with a short talk about detox, nutrition and health focusing on sugar balance and liver support while you enjoy a lovely home-made breakfast especially designed to support toxin elimination. A handout with our detox presentation will be ready for you to take home together with the recipes we’ll cook for lunch.

Breakfast will be followed by a demonstration and hands-on cooking session lead by Paula, our nutritional chef. The menu will include dishes especially selected to support your liver, kidneys and gut which you will enjoy for lunch. All our dishes are balanced and light enough to support moderate weight loss after an indulgent December.

During the session, we will share our tips and tricks on how to support the gut to eliminate waste more effectively. We will discuss probiotics and prebiotic fibre and demonstrate fermentation. And to prove that fermentation is not just easy but also very tasty, you’ll have the opportunity to taste some of PurpleCarrot’s kimchi and kefir.

We will talk about herbs to support detox and discuss how fasting can help detox – and of course who might benefit from it and how to fast safely.

Pilar will be available throughout the session to answer health and nutrition questions and Paula will be at hand to share her cooking knowledge.

Gently rebalance your detox systems after the summer

DATE:  17th January 2017, 10-1pm

VENUE: PurpleCarrot, Hampstead Kitchen, NW3 1ST

DETAILS: includes breakfast & lunch

COST: £75.00

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